Every opportunity starts with a Dream!

The Brazilian Worker Center is proud to continue our partnership with the City of Boston for the execution of our Dreamers project in April and May of 2022! In this project, we are joined by specialists in multiple fields such as labor rights, digital marketing, work readiness and team building, among others, to empower immigrant youth with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the transition between their countries of origin and American culture and society. 

Dreamers at Boston Common Park – Boston, MA

On April 7th, we launched the 4th edition of our Dreamers project with 15 immigrant youth who attended a Know Your Rights class led by Lorrayne Reiter. In the following weeks, the Dreamers group participated in Work Readiness and Team Building training with BWC’s Director of Development, Anna Barbosa, Mental Health and Wellness training by Dr Andrea Ruf, and started a project that will culminate in the creation of 3 startups that will provide services to support our immigrant community. The Community Service project was guided by Alexandre Simões, digital entrepreneur. 

We are thankful to all our amazing instructors who contributed to our project in the month of April and we are very proud of our youth’s accomplishments. We look forward to sharing more information about our Dreamers project very soon!