Get Involved

Work with Us

If you're passionate about making a difference, we invite you to apply for future opportunities with our team.


Volunteer with us to help strengthen and empower immigrant communities in Greater Boston.


Becoming a member is a small step for an immigrant, but a giant leap for the immigrant community!


Your donation helps empower immigrant workers and supports our mission. Make a difference today!


Becoming a member of our organization may be a small step for an immigrant, but one giant leap for our Greater Boston worker community!

Now it is your turn! Become a member of the most prestigious and well-recognized worker center in Massachusetts and enjoy the benefits of part of our vibrant immigrant worker community!

To become a member, fill out the form below.

Just for only
$50 a year

For more information about membership, check out our list of benefits below.

  • Attend free-of-charge Know Your Rights workshops
  • Discount tickets at BWC fundraising events
  • Advocacy, leadership, and organizing training opportunities
  • Network opportunities with members of the Brazilian community 
  • Membership ID Card
  • BWC t-shirt and other goods