Carteira de motorista é definitivamente Lei em Massachusetts
A segunda-feira, 13, foi um dia histórico no Estado de Massachusetts. Na State House um grupo de deputados e senadores reafirmaram o que haviam feito nas sessões parlamentares e assinaram
A segunda-feira, 13, foi um dia histórico no Estado de Massachusetts. Na State House um grupo de deputados e senadores reafirmaram o que haviam feito nas sessões parlamentares e assinaram
THE FIRST TIME a bill was proposed in Massachusetts to let immigrants without legal status obtain a driver’s license was in 2003. Since then, bills have regularly been introduced, languished in
Language of legislation, political climate have changed to boost its prospects SHIRA SCHOENBERG – May 4, 2022 THE FIRST TIME a bill was proposed in Massachusetts to let immigrants without legal
The Brazilian Worker Center is proud to continue our partnership with the City of Boston for the execution of our Dreamers project in April and May of 2022! In this
Empowering our community starts with us! As part of our commitment to taking care of our immigrant worker community, the BWC understands that the empowerment of immigrant workers starts with
The Brazilian Worker Center (BWC) is very proud of the work that our Executive Director, Lenita Reason, co-chair of the Driving Families Forward coalition, has effectively carried out. Following the
O Jornal – Lurdes C. da Silva – Feb 16, 2022 BOSTON – Immigrant advocates are praising the Massachusetts House of Representatives for passing the Work and Family Mobility Act
The Washington Post – By Akilah Johnson April 10, 2021 at 5:15 p.m. EDT BOSTON — The line started outside, on a street usually teeming with people waiting to enter college
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