Ways to Give

Several nonprofit organizations have a profile with Amazon and you, as a customer, click bellow and find the Brazilian Worker Center on their website and select it as your preferred Charity for donation. After you make a selection, as per information on their page: “Amazon Smile donates 0.5% of your eligible Charity List purchases to your selected charity, at no extra cost to you.”
So just go to AmazonSmile and login with your regular Amazon account information and select the BWC as your preferred Charity and start shopping! We sincerely appreciate your contribution! And we hope you will tell your friends and family to do the same too!
About us
We are grateful for all the support we receive from our immigrant worker community and local businesses. Our sponsors help us increase our visibility among our immigrant community and elevate awareness of our services and programs.
If you have a business and would like to become a sponsor, please contact us [email protected] for more information.