Groundbreaking Domestic Worker Report Released

BC Law helps determine efficacy of Massachusetts Bill of Rights. BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL MAGAZINE ONLINE – January 12, 2023 Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey has applauded the efforts of Boston College Law School’s Civil Rights Clinic and the Brazilian Worker Center (BWC) for their first-of-a-kind report, “Making it Work for Workers: A Study on the Efficacy […]
Most domestic workers in Massachusetts don’t know there’s a law protecting them

The report published Thursday from the Boston College Law School Civil Rights Clinic and the Brazilian Worker Center stopped short of outright criticizing the attorney general’s office GBH NEWS – By Sarah Betancourt, January 12, 2023 A state law providing domestic workers with basic protections from labor abuses is little known and barely used, according to […]
WE DID IT! – Driver’s license confirmed

With over a million votes, Massachusetts voters confirmed that the Work and Family Mobility Act will stay as the law of Massachusetts, effective on July 1st, 2023 Now it’s a reality! The results are official: the majority of voters in Massachusetts have voted YES on Ballot Question 4, which means that the Work and Family […]
Mass. moved quickly to help migrants shipped to Martha’s Vineyard; Advocates wonder why we don’t do it for others

MassLive | By Chris | Published: Oct. 06, 2022, 5:30 a.m. Immigration advocates hope the response shown by state officials toward a group of migrants who landed on Martha’s Vineyard last month will prompt further action for the thousands of other immigrants who come to Massachusetts. At a briefing hosted by the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy […]
Vote YES on 4

Pergunta nº 4 – Elegibilidade para carteira de motorista Em 9 de setembro de 2022, a Divisão de Eleições certificou que uma petição de referendo para uma questão de votação apresentada em 7 de setembro de 2022 havia sido assinada por eleitores registrados suficientes para se qualificar para a inclusão na cédula eleitoral estadual de […]
Carteira de motorista é definitivamente Lei em Massachusetts

A segunda-feira, 13, foi um dia histórico no Estado de Massachusetts. Na State House um grupo de deputados e senadores reafirmaram o que haviam feito nas sessões parlamentares e assinaram o Work and Family Mobility Act (H.4461/S.2289), tornando-o na lei que permite que indocumentados que qualifiquem possam tirar a carteira de motorista no Estado. Com […]
What finally put undocumented immigrant driver’s license bill in play?

THE FIRST TIME a bill was proposed in Massachusetts to let immigrants without legal status obtain a driver’s license was in 2003. Since then, bills have regularly been introduced, languished in committee, and quietly been disposed of. In February, the Massachusetts House for the first time passed a bill that would let this population get driver’s […]
What finally put undocumented immigrant driver’s license bill in play?

Language of legislation, political climate have changed to boost its prospects SHIRA SCHOENBERG – May 4, 2022 THE FIRST TIME a bill was proposed in Massachusetts to let immigrants without legal status obtain a driver’s license was in 2003. Since then, bills have regularly been introduced, languished in committee, and quietly been disposed of. In February, […]
Massachusetts House passes bill to expand driver’s license access to all residents regardless of immigration status

O Jornal – Lurdes C. da Silva – Feb 16, 2022 BOSTON – Immigrant advocates are praising the Massachusetts House of Representatives for passing the Work and Family Mobility Act today by a vote of 120 to 36. The bill would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain state driver’s licenses. “We cannot overstate our joy, pride […]
For immigrants, IDs prove to be a barrier to a dose of protection

The Washington Post – By Akilah Johnson April 10, 2021 at 5:15 p.m. EDT BOSTON — The line started outside, on a street usually teeming with people waiting to enter college bars, and snaked up the stairs of an old firehouse to the Brazilian Worker Center, where shots of the coronavirusvaccine were being administered on this cold […]