WE DID IT! – Driver’s license confirmed

With over a million votes, Massachusetts voters confirmed that the Work and Family Mobility Act will stay as the law of Massachusetts, effective on July 1st, 2023 Now it’s a reality! The results are official: the majority of voters in Massachusetts have voted YES on Ballot Question 4, which means that the Work and Family […]

Every opportunity starts with a Dream!

The Brazilian Worker Center is proud to continue our partnership with the City of Boston for the execution of our Dreamers project in April and May of 2022! In this project, we are joined by specialists in multiple fields such as labor rights, digital marketing, work readiness and team building, among others, to empower immigrant […]

Empowering our community starts with us!

Empowering our community starts with us! As part of our commitment to taking care of our immigrant worker community, the BWC understands that the empowerment of immigrant workers starts with us. For this reason, our Executive Director, Lenita Reason, has invited professionals from our community to administer two very important capacity training for our BWC […]

Driving Families Forward

The Brazilian Worker Center (BWC) is very proud of the work that our Executive Director, Lenita Reason, co-chair of the Driving Families Forward coalition, has effectively carried out. Following the organization of three coalition-led virtual legislative sessions with representatives from key sectors on the 25th, 31st of January and 1st of February, the Work and […]